"Que sé yo" is a common term that translates to "What do I know?"
As an expat of 3 years living in Buenos Aires, I thought I would use this space to share my irrelevant observations of life in the far south.
You will see a wide selection of magazines and newspaper just about at any corner in Buenos Aires. What's the best way to sell these periodicals in an era of free online news and gossip blogs? Big titties and fat asses!Meanwhile up north, the Lady Gaga Q magazine cover was widely banned in the US due to the semi-topless photo. The equivalent of the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction not only occurs every day on regular network Argentine television, but is encouraged.
Every time it rains a lot, the city shuts down. Road closings, the trains stop, subways come to a halt, buses change routes, floods, power outages, looting, murders, UTTER CHAOS! OK, well the last two are exaggerations, but the rest are true. Yesterday it rained. And flooded. And the city shut down, again, second time in one week.
Here are some of the top headlines: Palermo bajo agua - Palermo Under Water Cruzan Santa Fe con sogas - Crossing Santa Fe (Avenue) with rope La Ciudad vuelve a inundarse - The City Floods, again Caos en la ciudad - Chaos in the City La Ciudad en emergencia - The City In Emergency
Hmm tough choice, AR$226.75 (US$60, and more than I make in a week) bottle of Grey Goose or a AR$12.45 (US$3) bottle of Argentina's finest Hiram Walker vodka. WTF, why do imported items have to be so damn expensive?!
This is an advertisement for an Argentine play called La Cocina that I came across while walking to the bus- probably only crazy obsessed Seinfeld fans will get this reference. Yes, I know almost every word and used to write for a Seinfeld newsletter when I was 11 years old, I was in charge of the trivia section and I am damn proud of it.
The clown makeup wearing, risque dressing Argentine president, Cristina Kirchner, recently gave a speech trying to promote the pork industry and to add to the stereotype that she be a ho'. According to Cristina, the other white meat contains properties that not only increase sexual activity, but has the similar effect of Viagra. Watch her speech, with subtitles in English... Pay attention to the level of male excitement in the audience. Awesome.
This is the creepiest subway advertisement eva... "If you have frequent heartburn, even when the subway is empty, you'll still be uncomfortable." The way he crosses his legs makes ME uncomfortable...