Saturday, September 5, 2009

Fatal Accident in Flores: 2 People Dead, and a Bolivian

Here's a prime example of the quality investigative journalism from my favorite source for all news Argentina, Cronica TV (click for past segments). For those of you who don't speak Spanish, the headline reads: FATAL ACCIDENT IN FLORES (neighborhood in BA) TWO PEOPLE DEAD, AND A BOLIVIAN. Now correct me if I'm wrong, and maybe this is a stupid question, but wouldn't that make it 3 people dead?

If you think this may be a SNL-like spoof, you have been mistaken! This is a prime example of the format and content of the headlines... it's like one completely politically incorrect person got together with all their despicable sleazeball counterparts and said, "We gotta start a news channel!" And they did.


  1. It's a fake. The web site purpose (Placasrojas on the image) is to fake Cronica screens.
    But in Taringa there are some real screens, like the death of Santa Claus.,-una-cosa-de-locos___.html

  2. I don't know how did i get here, in this blog (by the way i think is awesome) and this entry is way too old, probably you won't read it, but i have to get this clear: this is NOT fake, i'm argentinian and yes, this is one of the Cronica TV's most popular mistakes ever!
    (To people who haven't been in Arg: don't worry, our news channels aren't like that, just CronicaTV-> it's supposed to be a news channel, but actually it's not serious at all, they are all mad lol)

