Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I am very proud of my jalot (challahs) that I made for Rosh Hoshana... I always blame the lack of quality ingredients and my barely equipped kitchen as an excuse why my cooking experiments don't work out... this is probably the best abroad challah I have made to date - could use a little more flavor, but over all nice consistancy.
I ditched the old challah recipe I had (sorry mom) and found a new one online at one of my favorite blogs: I tried to follow it the best I could given lack of any proper measuring apparatuses...
It turned out pretty well even though I burnt the top a bit because I had to flip it over last minute...that's what happens when there is just two heat settings on the stove: off and flames.

1 comment:

  1. your jala looks good. i tell my friends to make some.

